Echoing his work in architecture, in his practice as an artist, he questions the limitations of the two disciplines.

Şevki Pekin Architecture
11 ×

Color & Materiality

Writing, 2017

A material is in essence both physical and tangible. The phenomenon of being crafted touches the essence materiality itself. In contrast, color addresses only the visual properties of a matter.

An alternative understanding of color as a material is possible. The works within 'Color & Materiality' employ color to create materials; merging the physical and tangible properties of matter with the visual ones.

Color is, then, not a representation of a matter but the matter itself. The materiality of the color cannot be mimicked in any other medium. It is a surface that triggers sensations and creates a mood.

Usage of color as a material creates fields. These fields, with small variations in hue, saturation, and brightness, create compositions that are not reducible to visual perception. In a color field, the whole cannot be seen as a static quality, therefore, cannot be defined as a single composition of spatial points.

Color has an edge condition and it differentiates itself from another color, therefore color always has a shape. A color field creates its own borders within a greater composition.